公共卫生与预防医学系 教授
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个人简介:公共卫生与预防医学系,教授,博导。英国杜伦大学研究生、香港理工大学博士、美国俄亥俄州立大学及北京师范大学访问学者。主要研究方向为认知及情绪障碍康复的神经机制。主持国家自然科学基金2项及国家重点研发计划课题1项,以课题骨干参与广东省重点领域研发计划及广州市重点研发计划各1项。迄今为止在Psychological Medicine, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, Neuroimage, Journal of Affective Disorders等国际著名期刊累计发表SCI论文20余篇。参编中英文著作6部,其中人民卫生出版社的《作业治疗学》是国家卫计委“十三五”规划教材。2020年获得中国生物技术创新大会“创新团队奖”。获得暨南双百英才、基础医学院“线上教学”最受欢迎老师等各类校级奖项。担任康复学报青年编委。
1. Tao D, He Z, Lin Y, Liu C, Tao Q*. (2021). Where does fear originate in the brain? A coordinate-based meta-analysis of conscious and unconscious fear processing. Neuroimage, 227, 17686. (top期刊,独立通讯)
2. Zhang C, Ye M, Fu Y, Yang M, Luo F, Yuan J, Tao Q*. (2020). The psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on teenagers in China. Journal of Adolescent Health, 67(6), 747-755. (top期刊,独立通讯)
3. Jiang L, Zhang S, Wang Y, So Kwok-Fai, Ren C, Tao Q*. (2020). Efficacy of Light Therapy for a College Student Sample with Non-seasonal Subthreshold Depression: An RCT Study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 277, 443-449. (top期刊,独立通讯)
4. Zhang C, Dong X, Ding M, Chen X, Shan X, Ouyang H, Tao Q*. (2020). Executive Control, Alerting, Updating, and Falls in Cognitively Healthy Older Adults. Gerontology, 66(5), 1-12. (独立通讯)
5. Yu J, Tao Q (陶倩), Zhang R, Chan CCH, Lee TMC. (2019). Can fMRI discern between deception and false memory? A meta-analytic comparison between deception and false memory studies. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 104:43-55.(共同一作)
6. Zhang C, Lee TMC, Fu Y, Ren C, Chan CCH, Tao Q (陶倩). (2019). Properties of cross-modal occipital responses in early blindness: An ALE meta-analysis. Neuroimage:Clinical 24:102041.(共同通讯)
7. Jiang L, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Li R, Wu H, Li C, Wu Y, Tao Q (陶倩). (2019). The Reliability and Validity of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) for Chinese University Students. Frontiers in Psychiatry 10:315.(独立通讯)
8. Huang L, Xi Y, Peng Y, Yang Y, Huang X, Fu Y, Tao Q (陶倩), et al. (2019). A Visual Circuit Related to Habenula Underlies the Antidepressive Effects of Light Therapy. Neuron, 102, 1-15. (IF: 12)
9. Hu Y, Chen Z, Huang L, Xi Y, Li B, Wang H, Yan J, Lee TMC, Tao Q (陶倩), So KF, Ren C. (2017). A translational study on looming-evoked defensive response and the underlying subcortical pathway in autism. Scientific Reports 7,14755.(共同通讯)
10. Li X, Hu D, Deng W, Tao Q(陶倩), Hu Y, Yang X, Wang Z, Yang L, Zhang X. (2017). Pragmatic ability deficit in schizophrenia and associated theory of mind and executive function. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2164.(共同通讯)
11. Tao Q(陶倩), Chan C, Luo Y, Li J, Ting K, et al.(2017)Prior experience modulates roles of precuneus in cross auditory-spatial learning: A case of blind individuals. Brain Topography,30, 364-379.
12. Fang Y, Tao Q(陶倩), Zhou X, Chen S, Huang J, Jiang Y, Wu Y, Chen L, Tao J, Chetwyn C (2017). Patient and family member factors influencing outcomes of post-stroke in-patient rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98, 249-255.(共同一作)
13. Huang L, Yuan T, Tan M, Xi Y, Hu Y, Tao Q(陶倩), et al.(2017).A retinoraphe projection regulates serotonergic activity and looming-evoked defensive behaviour. Nature Communications, 8:14908.
14. Chen S, Tao J, Tao Q(陶倩), Fang Y, Zhou X, Chen H, Chen Z, et al. (2016). Rater experience influences reliability and validity of the Brief International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Core Set for Stroke. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 48(3), 265-272.(共同通讯作者)
15. Li X, Tao Q(陶倩), Fang Y, Cheng C, Hao Y, et al. (2015). Reward sensitivity predicts ice cream-related attentional bias assessed by inattentional blindness. Appetite, 89: 258-264.(共同一作)
16. Tao Q(陶倩), Chan C, Luo Y, Li J, Ting K, et al. (2015). How Does Experience Modulate Auditory Spatial Processing in Individuals with Blindness? Brain Topography, 28(3), 506-519.
17. Li X, Wang K, Wang F, Tao Q(陶倩), Xie Y, et al. (2013). Aging of theory of mind: the influence of educational level and cognitive processing. International Journal of Psychology, 48: 715-727.
2、《作业治疗学》,2018年,人民卫生出版社,参编 (卫生部“十三五”规划教材)
4、《Neural Circuits Underlying Innate Fear》,2020年,Springer Nature, 参编
5、《Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction》,2021年,科学出版社,参编