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刘超群,女,医学博士,讲师,硕士生导师。长期从事营养相关疾病的发病机制、生物标志物筛选及植物化学物的防治研究。目前主持国家自然科学基金1项,广东省自然科学基金以及广州市基础研究项目3项,参与多项。并以第一/通讯作者在Molecular nutrition & food research、Redox Biology、 Frontiers in oncology以及Atherosclerosis等国际著名期刊发表SCI论文10余篇。
2016.09-至今,暨南大学医学院预防医学系营养教研室, 讲师;
1.Xuping Gao#,Wanze Ni#,Sui Zhu#,Yanxin Wu,Yunfeng Cui,Junrong Ma,Yanhua Liu,Jinlong Qiao,Yanbin Ye,Pan Yang,Chaoqun Liu*,FangfangZeng*. Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances exposure during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. Environmental Research, 2021: 111632. 并列通讯作者(IF = 6.49)
2. Yongjia Peng#, Jian Xiao#, Wenyun Li#, Shuna Li, Binbin Xie, Jiang He*, Chaoqun Liu*. Prognostic and Clinicopathological Value of Human Leukocyte Antigen G in Gastrointestinal Cancers: A Meta-Analysis[J]. Frontiers in oncology, 2021, 11: 1678. 并列通讯作者(IF = 6.24)
3. Binbin Xie#, Jiang He#, Yong Liu, Ting Liu, Chaoqun Liu*. A meta-analysis of HDL cholesterol efflux capacity and concentration in patients with rheumatoid arthritis[J]. Lipids in health and disease, 2021, 20(1): 1-12. 通讯作者(IF = 3.68)
4. Xin Dai#, Ruyi Liao#, Chaoqun Liu#, Si Liu, Haiyan Huang, Jianjun Liu, Tianru Jin, Honghui Guo, Zhihua Zheng, Min Xia, Wenhua Ling, Yunjun Xiao*. Epigenetic regulation of TXNIP-mediated oxidative stress and NLRP3 inflammasome activation contributes to SAHH inhibition-aggravated diabetic nephropathy[J]. Redox Biology, 2021: 102033. 并列第一作者(IF = 11.79)
5. Chaoqun Liu#, Wenting Wang#, Weiqun Lin, Wenhua Ling, Dongliang Wang*. Established atherosclerosis might be a prerequisite for chicory and its constituent protocatechuic acid to promote endothelium‐dependent vasodilation in mice[J]. Molecular nutrition & food research, 2016, 60(10): 2141-2150. 第一作者(IF = 4.55)
6. Chaoqun Liu, Yuan Zhang, Ding Ding, Xinrui Li, Yunou Yang, Qing Li, Yuanzhu Zheng, Dongliang Wang*, Wenhua Ling*. Cholesterol efflux capacity is an independent predictor of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with coronary artery disease: a prospective cohort study[J]. Atherosclerosis, 2016, 249: 116-124. 第一作者(IF = 3.94)