


公卫预防系 副教授




电子邮箱:pengxiong@ XXX jinshago.com  或者 paulxiongwhu@ XXX gmail.com (输入邮箱时请去掉"XXX")

个人简介:熊鹏,副教授,硕士研究生导师。2014年毕业于武汉大学,2018年取得澳门大学全球健康博士学位,并有3年临床工作经验。目前主持各类课题8项。先后在《Lancet Psychiatry》、《Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience》、《Journal of Affective Disorders》、《American journal of Infection Control》、《Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health》等SCI杂志发表论文二十余篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者发表十余篇。担任《Frontiers in Public Health》客座编辑,担任《Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences》等十余本SCI杂志审稿人。指导本科生获大创项目两项,获挑战杯项目一项。指导研究生获国家奖学金、校级一等奖学金、瑞沃德基础医学明德奖学金等。主要研究方向为精神卫生流行病学、行为流行病学和心理创伤研究。


2018,澳门大学,获全球健康(Global Public Health)博士学位;



2018.11-至今,金沙娱乐城在线门户网站 ,副教授


1. Xiong, P.*, Liu, M., Liu, B., & Hall, B. J. (2022). Trends in the incidence and DALYs of anxiety disorders at the global, regional, and national levels: Estimates from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Journal of Affective Disorders, 297, 83-93.
2. Liu, M., Cai, X., Hao, G., Li, W., Chen, Q., Chen, Y., & Xiong, P*. (2021). Prevalence of intimate partner violence among men who have sex with men: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Sexual medicine, 9(6), 100433.
3. Hao, G., Zuo, L., Xiong, P.*, Chen, L., Liang, X., & Jing, C. (2021). Associations of PM2. 5 and road traffic noise with mental health: Evidence from UK Biobank. Environmental Research, 112221.
4. Liu, M., Li, N., Cai, X., Feng, X., Wang, R., & Xiong, P*. (2021). The Prevalence of Psychological Symptoms in Pregnant Healthcare Workers (HCWs) and Pregnant Non-HCWs During the Early Stage of COVID-19 Pandemic in Chongqing, China. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12.
5. Chen, R., Yang, J., Chen, D., Liu, W. J., Zhang, C., Wang, H., ... & Guo, Y. (2021). Air pollution and hospital outpatient visits for conjunctivitis: a time-series analysis in Tai’an, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(12), 15453-15461.
6. Xiong, P., Liang, X., Chen, H., Chen, L., Zuo, L., Jing, C., & Hao, G. (2021). Association between childhood neighborhood quality and the risk of cognitive dysfunction in Chinese middle-aged and elderly population: The moderation effect of body mass index. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 13.
7. Xiong, P., Zhang, F., Zhang, C., Bai, J., Luo, C., Cao, W., & Tao, Q. (2021). Factors influencing mental health among Chinese medical and non-medical students in the early stage of COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 417.
8. Chen, H.#, Xiong, P.#, Chen, L., & Hao, G. (2020). Childhood neighborhood quality, friendship, and risk of depressive symptoms in adults: The China health and retirement longitudinal study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 276, 732-737.
9. Xiong, P., Spira, A. P., & Hall, B. J. (2020). Psychometric and Structural Validity of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index among Filipino Domestic Workers. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(14), 5219.
10. Zhang, Y., Fang, Y., Xu, Y., Xiong, P., Zhang, J., Yang, J., ... & Tan, X. (2020). Adherence with blood pressure monitoring wearable device among the elderly with hypertension: The case of rural China. Brain and behavior, 10(6), e01599.                                       
11. Chen, R., Yang, J., Chen, D., Liu, W.J., Zhang, C., Wang, H., Li, B., Xiong, P., Wang, B., Wang, Y. and Li, S., 2021. Air pollution and hospital outpatient visits for conjunctivitis: a time-series analysis in Tai’an, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(12), pp.15453-15461.
12. Hall, B. J.#, Xiong, P.#, Guo, X., Sou, E. K. L., Chou, U. I., & Shen, Z. (2018). An evaluation of a low intensity mHealth enhanced mindfulness intervention for Chinese university students: A randomized controlled trial. Psychiatry research, 270, 394-403.
13. Shen, R. Z., Xiong, P., Chou, U. I., & Hall, B. J. (2018). “We need them as much as they need us”: A systematic review of the qualitative evidence for possible mechanisms of effectiveness of animal-assisted intervention (AAI). Complementary therapies in medicine, 41, 203-207.
14. Wang, L., Zhu, X. P., Zeng, X. T., & Xiong, P. (2019). Nurses' knowledge, attitudes and practices related to physical restraint: a cross‐sectional study. International nursing review, 66(1), 122-129.
15. Hall, B. J., Xiong, P., Chang, K. S. N., Yin, M., & Sui, X. R. (2018). The prevalence of medical workplace violence and the shortage of secondary and tertiary interventions among healthcare workers in China. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 72(6), 516-518.
16. Xiong, P., Zhang, J., Wang, X., Wu, T. L., & Hall, B. J. (2017). Effects of a mixed media education intervention program on increasing knowledge, attitude and compliance with Standard Precautions among nursing students: A randomized controlled trial. American journal of Infection Control, 45(4), 389-395.
17. Xiong, P., Hu, S. X. X., & Hall, B. J. (2016). Violence against nurses in China undermines task-shifting implementation. The Lancet Psychiatry, 3(6), 501. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(16)30046-3.



