分子病毒研究所 副教授
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分子医学病毒研究所高峰教授团队成员。主要从事HIV广谱中和抗体产生与进化机制、HIV疫苗、抗病毒天然免疫反应调控以及肺部相关疾病炎症反应调控机制等领域的研究。在Nat Immunol, Sci Adv, mBio, J Virol, Front Immunol, J Biol Chem等国际影响力期刊发表多篇SCI论文。
2012.10-2017.10 南方医科大学药理学专业,获医学博士学位;
2011.09-2015.06 浙江理工大学生物化学与分子生物学专业,获理学硕士学位;
2005.09-2009.07 重庆邮电大学生物技术专业,获理学学士学位;
2021.03-至今,暨南大学医学院分子医学病毒研究所, 副教授;
2012.10-2017.10,美国西北大学feinberg医学院, 访问学生;
1. Zhang Q, Kuang H, Chen C, Yan J, Do-Umehara HC, Liu XY, Dada L, Ridge KM, Chandel NS, Liu J. 2015. The kinase Jnk2 promotes stress-induced mitophagy by targeting the small mitochondrial form of the tumor suppressor ARF for degradation. Nat Immunol 16:458-466.(IF=20.479)
2. Do-Umehara HC#, Chen C#, Zhang Q#, Misharin AV, Abdala-Valencia H, Casalino-Matsuda SM, Reyfman PA, Anekalla KR, Gonzalez-Gonzalez FJ, Sala MA, Peng C, Wu P, Wong CCL, Kalhan R, Bharat A, Perlman H, Ridge KM, Sznajder JI, Sporn PHS, Chandel NS, Yu J, Fu X, Petrache I, Tuder R, Budinger GRS, Liu J. 2020. Epithelial cell-specific loss of function of Miz1 causes a spontaneous COPD-like phenotype and up-regulates Ace2 expression in mice. Sci Adv 6:eabb7238.(IF=13.117)
3. Liang T#, Zhang Q#, Wu Z, Chen P, Huang Y, Liu S, Li L. UHRF1 suppresses HIV-1 transcription and promotes HIV-1 latency by competing with p-TEFb for ubiquitination-proteasomal degradation of Tat. mBio. 2021, 12(4):e0162521. (IF=7.867) 4. Zhang Q, Liang T, Gu S, Ye Y, Liu S. 2020. SNW1 interacts with IKKγ to positively regulate antiviral innate immune responses against influenza A virus infection. Microbes Infect 22:576-584.(Highlighted Article)(IF=2.373)
5. Zhang Q, Liang T, Nandakumar KS, Liu S. 2021. Emerging and state of the art hemagglutinin-targeted influenza virus inhibitors. Expert Opin Pharmacother 22:715-728.(IF=2.878)
6. Feng M, Zhang Q, Wu W, Chen L, Gu S, Ye Y, Zhong Y, Huang Q, Liu S. 2021. Inducible Guanylate-Binding Protein 7 Facilitates Influenza A Virus Replication by Suppressing Innate Immunity via NF-κB and JAK-STAT Signaling Pathways. J Virol 95(6):e02038-20.(IF=4.501)
7.Yang J, Do-Umehara HC, Zhang Q, Wang H, Hou C, Dong H, Perez EA, Sala MA, Anekalla KR, Walter JM, Liu S, Wunderink RG, Budinger GRS, Liu J. 2021. miR-221-5p-Mediated Downregulation of JNK2 Aggravates Acute Lung Injury. Front Immunol, 12(3997).(IF=7.561)