


内科血液病学 研究员






电子邮箱:378246347@ qq.com











1)Xueting Kong#, Jiamian Zheng#, Xiaxin Liu#, Wandi Wang, Xuan Jiang, Jie Chen, Jing Lai, Zhenyi Jin*, Xiuli Wu*. High TRGV 9 Subfamily Expression Marks an Improved Overall Survival in Patients With Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Front Immunol, 2022, 13: 823352

2)Dan Qiu, Xiaxin Liu, Wandi Wang, Xuan Jiang, Xiaofang Wu, Jiamian Zheng, Kai Zhou, Xueting Kong, Xiuli Wu, Zhenyi Jin. TIGIT axis: novel immune checkpoints in anti-leukemia immunity, Clinical and Experimental Medicine, //doi.org/10.1007/s10238-022-00817-0

3)Ye Wanyi, Kong Xueting, Zhang Wenbin, Weng Zheng, Wu Xiuli*. The roles of γδ T cells in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Cell Transplantation. 2020, 29: 1-10.

4)Jin Zhenyi#, Lan Tianbi#, Zhao Yun, Du Jinxia, Chen Jie, Lai Jing, Xu Ling, Chen Shaohua, Zhong Xueyun*, Wu Xiuli*, Li Yangqiu*. Higher TIGIT+ CD226- γδ T cells in patients with acute myeloid leukemia, Immunological Investigations. 2020, 1-11. doi:10.1080/08820139.2020.1806868 

5)Jin Zhenyi#, Ye Wanyi#, Lan Tianbi#, Zhao Yun, Liu Xiaxin, Chen Jie, Lai Jing, Chen Shaohua, Zhong Xueyun*, Wu Xiuli*. Characteristic of TIGIT and DNAM-1 Expression on Foxp3+ γδ T Cells in AML Patients, Biomed Research International. 2020, 2020:4612952. doi:10.1155/2020/4612952

6)Wu XL, Liu QF(*). Prophylaxis and treatment of relapse after haploidentical stem cell transplantation: What is known vs unknown? Seminars in Hematology, 2019, 56(2019): 209-214

7)Chen XM (#)(*), Zhang T (#), Qiu D (#), Feng JY, Jin ZY, Luo Q, Wang XY (*), Wu XL (*). Gene expression pattern of TCR repertoire and alteration expression of IL‑17A gene of γδ T cells in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Journal of Translational Medicine, 2018, 16:189  

8)Xuan L (#), Wu XL (#), Qiu D, Gao L, Liu H, Fan ZP, Huang F, Jin ZY, Sun J, Li YQ (*), Liu QF (*). Regulatory γδ T cells induced by G‑CSF participate in acute graft‑versus‑host disease regulation in G‑CSF‑mobilized allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. Journal of Translational Medicine, 2018, 16:144  

9)Jin ZY, Luo Q, Lu S, Wang XY, He ZF, Lai J, Chen SH, Yang LJ, Wu XL (*), Li YQ (*). Oligoclonal expansion of TCR Vδ T cells may be a potential immune biomarker for clinical outcome of acute myeloid leukemia. Journal of Hematology & Oncology, 2016, 9:126.  

10)Xu Y, Hu JY, Wang X, Xuan L, Lai J, Xu L, Chen SH, Yang LJ, Luo GX, Zhu KE, Wu XL (*), Li YQ (*). Overexpression of MALT1-A20-NF-κB in adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Cell International, 2015, 15: 73. 

11)Jin ZY, Wu XL (*), Chen SH, Yang LJ, Liu QF, Li YQ (*). Distribution and clonality of the Vα and Vβ T cell receptor repertoire of regulatory T cells in leukemia patients with and without graft versus host disease. DNA Cell Biology, 2014, 33(3):182-188.  

12)Wang Z (#), Wu XL (#), Wang X, Tian HX, Chen ZH, Li YQ(*). The Biophysical Property of A549 Cells Transferred by VEGF-D. Scanning. 2014, 36(2): 202-208.  

13)Zheng R (#), Wu XL (#), Huang X, Chen Y, Yang QT(*), Li YQ, Zhang GH. Gene expression pattern of Treg and TCR Vγ subfamily T cells before and after specific immunotherapy in allergic rhinitis. Journal of Translational Medicine, 2014, 25(12): 24.  

14)Wang X, Jin ZY, Wang XY, Chen SH, Yang LJ, Zhu KE, Wu XL (*), Li YQ (*). AFM detection of biophysical characteristics of specific regulatory T Cells after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. BMC Biophysics 2014, 7:7. 

15)Ma Y, Liao ZW, Xu Y, Zhong Z, Wang X, Zhang F, Chen SH, Yang LJ, Luo GX, Huang X, Huang SM, Wu XL (*), Li YQ (*). Characteristics of CARMA1 - BCL10 - MALT1 - A20 - NF-Κb expression in T cell-acute lymphocytic leukemia. European Journal of Medical Research, 2014, 19:62.  

16)Wu XL (*), Przybylski GK, Yang QT, Liu QF. T cells Immunology in the Immunological Diseases. Journal of Immunology Research, 2014/690324. 

17)Wu XL, Zhu KE, Du X, Chen SH, Yang LJ, Wu JF, Liu QF, Li YQ (*). Frequency analysis of TRBV subfamily sjTRECs to characterize T-cell reconstitution in acute leukemia patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Journal of Hematology & Oncology, 2011, 4:19.



1)李扬秋,黄欣,杜欣,吴秀丽,翁建宇,郑海涛,徐玲,陈宇,刘思初,李萡. T细胞白血病新分子发病机制及其靶向诊治应用,广东省科技进步奖, 二等奖,2020.02.

2)李扬秋, 吴秀丽, 翁建宇, 陈少华, 查显丰, 徐玲, 金真伊, 王亮. 抗白血病T细胞克隆的鉴定及其在血液肿瘤诊治和预后中的应用, 中华医学科技奖(医学科学技术奖), 三等奖, 2020.01.18

3)李扬秋, 吴秀丽, 翁建宇, 陈少华, 查显丰, 徐玲, 金真伊, 王亮, 耿素霞, 尹青松, 李萡, 史丽, 罗强, 闫小娟. 抗白血病 T 细胞克隆的鉴定及其在血液肿瘤诊治和预后中的应用, 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术进步奖), 二等奖,2019.12.10.

4)李扬秋, 李萡, 吴秀丽, 陈嘉榆, 陈少华, 杨力建, 张学利, 朱康儿, 刘薇薇,尹青松, 査显丰, 耿素霞, 李闯, 陈思, 岑东芝, 韩素芳, 黄梅娟. T细胞受体重排分析技术在职业病及相关血液病诊治中的应用研究,广东省科技进步奖, 一等奖,2012.03.27.

5)李扬秋, 李萡, 吴秀丽, 陈嘉榆, 陈少华, 杨力建, 张学利, 朱康儿, 刘薇薇,尹青松, 査显丰, 耿素霞, 李闯, 陈思, 岑东芝, 韩素芳, 黄梅娟. T细胞受体重排研究及其在血液病等诊治研究中的应用, 教育部科技进步奖, 二等奖,2011.01.25.


