药理学 教授
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个人简介:张海鹏,金沙娱乐城在线门户网站 ,教授,博导,珠江科技新星。主持包括国家自然科学基金面上项目等科研项目7项,授权国际、中国专利8项;研究领域集中在溶瘤病毒疗法和以外泌体为载体的肿瘤靶向治疗等转化医学研究。近年来,以通讯或第一作者发表论文于Science Translational Medicine、Nature Communications、PNAS、Molecular Therapy等国际知名杂志,相关学术成果被《Nature Reviews》专题评述。
2005.9~2009.7, 山东大学,药 学,学士
2009.9~2014.6, 中山大学,药理学,博士
1. Zhang, H.#, Li, K.#, Lin, Y.#, Xing, F., Xiao, X., Cai, J., Zhu, W., Liang, J., Tan, Y., Fu, L., Wang, F., Yin, W., Lu, B., Qiu, P., Su, X., Gong, S., Bai, X., Hu, J.*, and Yan, G.*. Targeting VCP enhances anticancer activity of oncolytic virus M1 in hepatocellular carcinoma. Science Translational Medicine. 2017, 9(404). (第一作者,IF:17.2,中科院分区TOP期刊). Highlighted in Science Translational Medicine. Comments in Nature Reviews|gastroenterology&hepatology.
2. Xiao, X.#, Liang, J.#, Huang, C., Li, K., Xing, F., Zhu, W., Lin, Z., Xu, W., Wu, G., Zhang, J., Lin, X., Tan, Y., Cai, J., Hu, J., Chen, X., Huang, Y., Qin, Z., Qiu, P., Su, X., Chen, L., Lin, Y. *, Zhang, H.*, and Yan, G.*. DNA-PK inhibition synergizes with oncolytic virus M1 by inhibiting antiviral response and potentiating DNA damage. Nature Communications. 2018, 9(1):4342.(共同通讯作者,IF:11.878,中科院分区TOP期刊)
3. Lin, Y. #, Zhang, H.#, Liang, J.#, Li, K., Zhu, W., Fu, L., Wang, F., Zheng, X., Shi, H., Wu, S., Xiao, X., Chen, L., Tang, L., Yan, M., Yang, X., Tan, Y., Qiu, P., Huang, Y., Yin, W., Su, X., Hu, H., Hu, J.*, and Yan, G.*. Identification and characterization of alphavirus M1 as a selective oncolytic virus targeting ZAP-defective human cancers. PNAS. 2014, 111(42):E4504-4512.(共同第一作者,IF:9.58,中科院分区TOP期刊)
4. Li, K.#, Zhang, H.#, Qiu, J., Lin, Y., Liang, J., Xiao, X., Fu, L., Wang, F., Cai, J., Tan, Y., Zhu, W., Yin, W., Lu, B., Xing, F., Tang, L., Yan, M., Mai, J., Li, Y., Chen, W., Qiu, P., Su, X., Gao, G., Tai, P. W., Hu, J.*, and Yan, G.*. Activation of Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate Pathway Increases the Sensitivity of Cancer Cells to the Oncolytic Virus M1. Molecular Therapy. 2016, 24(1):156-165.(共同第一作者,IF:8.402,中科院分区TOP期刊)
5. Li, K.#, Hu, C.#, Xing, F.#, Gao, M., Liang, J., Xiao, X., Cai, J., Tan, Y., Hu, J., Zhu, W., Yin, W., Li, Y., Chen, W., Lu, B., Mai, J., Qiu, P., Su, X., Yan, G., Zhang, H.*, and Lin, Y.*. Deficiency of the IRE1alpha-Autophagy Axis Enhances the Antitumor Effects of the Oncolytic Virus M1. Journal of Virology. 2018, 92(6).(共同通讯作者,IF:4.324,中科院分区TOP期刊)
6. Tan, Y. #, Lin, Y. #, Li, K., Xiao, X., Liang, J., Cai, J., Guo, L., Li, C., Zhu, W., Xing, F., Mai, J., Gu, J., Tan, X., Yin, W., Lu, B., Qiu, P., Su, X., Gao, M., Hu, J., He, S., Lu, L., Gong, S., Yan, G., and Zhang, H.*. Selective Antagonism of Bcl-xL Potentiates M1 Oncolysis by Enhancing Mitochondrial Apoptosis. Human Gene Therapy. 2018, 29(8):950-961.(通讯作者,IF:3.855)
7. Zhang, H.#, Lin, Y.#, Li, K., Liang, J., Xiao, X., Cai, J., Tan, Y., Xing, F., Mai, J., Li, Y., Chen, W., Sheng, L., Gu, J., Zhu, W., Yin, W., Qiu, P., Su, X., Lu, B., Tian, X., Liu, J., Lu, W., Dou, Y., Huang, Y., Hu, B., Kang, Z., Gao, G., Mao, Z., Cheng, S. Y., Lu, L., Bai, X. T., Gong, S., Yan, G., and Hu, J.*. Naturally Existing Oncolytic Virus M1 Is Nonpathogenic for the Nonhuman Primates After Multiple Rounds of Repeated Intravenous Injections. Human Gene Therapy. 2016, 27(9):700-711.(第一作者,IF:3.855)
8. Cai, J.#, Lin, Y.#, Zhang, H., Liang, J., Tan, Y., Cavenee, W. K.*, and Yan, G.*. Selective replication of oncolytic virus M1 results in a bystander killing effect that is potentiated by Smac mimetics. PNAS. 2017, 114(26):6812-6817. (IF:9.58)
9. Liang, J.#, Guo, L.#, Li, K., Xiao, X., Zhu, W., Zheng, X., Hu, J., Zhang, H., Cai, J., Yu, Y., Tan, Y., Li, C., Liu, X., Hu, C., Liu, Y., Qiu, P., Su, X., He, S., Lin, Y.*, and Yan, G.*. Inhibition of the mevalonate pathway enhances cancer cell oncolysis mediated by M1 virus. Nature Communications. 2018, 9(1):1524.(IF:11.878)
10. Xing, F.#, Luan, Y.#, Cai, J.#, Wu, S., Mai, J., Gu, J., Zhang, H., Li, K., Lin, Y., Xiao, X., Liang, J., Li, Y., Chen, W., Tan, Y., Sheng, L., Lu, B., Lu, W., Gao, M., Qiu, P., Su, X., Yin, W., Hu, J., Chen, Z., Sai, K., Wang, J., Chen, F., Chen, Y., Zhu, S., Liu, D., Cheng, S., Xie, Z.*, Zhu, W.*, and Yan, G.*. The Anti-Warburg Effect Elicited by the cAMP-PGC1α Pathway Drives Differentiation of Glioblastoma Cells into Astrocytes. Cell Reports. 2017;18:468-481.(IF:7.815)
广州市“珠江科技新星” (2019年度)
《Cancer management and research》和《Acta Pharmacologica Sinica》期刊审稿人;