发布时间:2023-04-07 发布人:
林自强,毕业于纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分析数学与统计专业,主要研究方向包括环境与健康、体力活动与健康促进统计方法研究及应用、精神疾病的客观诊断研究、统计方法的创新等。目前已在国际期刊发表了50多篇论文,总引用次数超过3000,H-index为12,其中以第一作者或共同作者发表在Science of the Total Environment、Environment international、Journal of Affective Disorders、Statistical Analysis and Data Mining等国际期刊的论文10篇,在国内《中国学校卫生》儿童青少年24h活动行为与健康特邀专栏发表论文1篇。
2015-09-15–2019-12-15 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校 博士研究生毕业
2011-09-15–2014-05-15 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校 硕士研究生毕业
2008-01-15–2011-05-15 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校 大学本科毕业
2022-08-25–至今 金沙娱乐城在线门户网站
2019-03-11–2022-08-01 纽约大学医学院
2014-07-01–2015-08-30 纽约州卫生部公共卫生办公室
1. Lin Z, Lin S, Neamtiu IA, Ye B, Csobod E, Fazakas E, Gurzau E. Predicting environmental risk factors in relation to health outcomes among school children from Romania using random forest model-an analysis of data from the SINPHONIE project. Science of The Total Environment. 2021 Apr 16:147145.
2. Begum TF#, Lin Z#, Primeau M, Lin S. Assessing short-term and long-term mental health effects among older adults after Hurricane Sandy. Science of the total environment. 2022 Jun 15;825:153753.
3. Lin Z, Zhu S, Cheng J, Lin Q, Lawrence WR, Zhang W, Huang Y, Chen Y, Gao Y. The mediating effect of engagement in physical activity over a 24-hour period on chronic disease and depression: using compositional mediation model. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2022 Feb 15;299:264-72.
4. Lin Z, Lawrence WR, Huang Y, Lin Q, Gao Y. Classifying depression using blood biomarkers: A large population study. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2021 Jun 2.
5. Lin Z, Laska E, Siegel C. A general iterative clustering algorithm. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal. 2022 Aug;15(4):433-46.
6. Lin Z, Lawrence WR, Gong W, Lin L, Hu J, Zhu S, Meng R, He G, Xu X, Liu T, Zhong J. The impact of mortality underreporting on the association of ambient temperature and PM10 with mortality risk in time series study. Heliyon. 2023 Mar 21.
7. Xu M#, Lin Z#, Siegel C, Laska E, Abu-Amara D, Genfi A, Newman J, Jeffers M, Blessing E, Flanagan S, Fossati S, Etkin A, Marmar C. Screening for PTSD and TBI in Veterans using Routine Clinical Laboratory Blood Tests. Translational psychiatry. 2023 Feb.
8. 林自强, 程金群, 谭健怡, 黄宝莹, 黄珍惠, 徐华富, 张岩波, 李红娟, 郜艳晖. 大学生 24 h 活动行为在手机成瘾与焦虑间的中介效应. 中国学校卫生. 2023 Jan 25;44(1):32-5.
9. Odusanya AO, Reid KS, Amutah-Onukagha N, Robinson K, Kalu OU, Lawrence WR, Lin Z. Association between sociodemographic characteristics and age stopped breastfeeding on early childhood weight status. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice. 2022 May 1;16(3):214-9.
10. Laska E, Siegel C, Lin Z. A likely responder approach for the analysis of randomized controlled trials. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2022 Mar 1;114:106688.
11. Cheng J, Huang Y, Ren Z, Xu P, Tan J, Huang B, Chen Y, Lin Z*, Gao Y*. Compositional isotemporal substitution analysis of physical activity, sedentary behavior and cardiometabolic biomarkers in US adults: A nationally representative study. European Journal of Sport Science. 2023 Feb 7(just-accepted):1-23.
12. Xu P, Huang Y, Hou Q, Cheng J, Ren Z, Ye R, Yao Z, Chen J, Lin Z*, Gao Y*, Chen Y. Relationship between physical activity and mental health in a national representative cross-section study: Its variations according to obesity and comorbidity. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2022 Jul 1;308:484-93.
13. Lin S, Lin Z, Ou Y, Soim A, Shrestha S, Lu Y, Sheridan S, Luben TJ, Fitzgerald E, Bell E, Shaw GM. Maternal ambient heat exposure during early pregnancy in summer and spring and congenital heart defects–a large US population-based, case-control study. Environment international. 2018 Sep 1;118:211-21.
Heart Healthy. UAlbany News Center. 08/01/2018. //www.albany.edu/news/87675.php