生物医学转化研究院 研究员 招生方向:免疫学
Email: [email protected]
1983-1987 兰州大学细胞生物学 学士
1987-1990 兰州大学发育生物学 硕士
1998-2001 北京大学细胞生物学 博士
1990-1998 山东金泰生物公司研发部,主任
2002-2005 美国耶鲁大学医学院内科学系,博士后
2005-2009 加拿大多伦多大学免疫学系,博士后
2009-2013 加拿大多伦多玛格丽特公主医院坎贝尔乳腺癌研究所,助理研究员
2013-至今 暨南大学生物医学转化研究院,研究员,博导
[1] Afzal S., Hao Z., Itsumi M., Abouelkheer Y., Brenner D., Gao Y., Wakeham A., Hong C., Li W., Sylvester J., Gilani S., Brustle A., Haight J., You-Ten A., Lin G., Inoue S., and Mak T. Autophagy-independent functions of UVRAG are essential for peripheral naive T-cell homeostasis. P.N.A.S. 2015, 112(4): 1119-1124
[2] Summer-deLuca L., Ng D., Gao Y., Wortzman M., Watts T., and Gommerman J*. Lymphotoxin-Receptor signaling in Dendritic Cells induces a Type I IFN responses that is required for optical clonal expansion of CD8+ T cells. P.N.A.S. 2011, 108(5): 2046-2051 (SL, ND and GY 为共同第一作者)
[3] He W., Hao J., Dong S., Gao Y., Tao J., Chi H., Flavell R., O’Brien R., Rorn W., Craft J., Han J., Wang P., Zhao L., Wu J., and Yin Z*. Naturally Activated V4T cells Play a Protective Role in Tumor Immunity through Expression of Eomesodermin. TheJournal of Immunology 2010, 185(1): 126-133
[4] Gao Y., Majchrzak-Kita B., Fish E., and Gommerman J*. Dynamic Accumulation of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells in Lymph Nodes is regulated by Type I IFN-beta. Blood 2009, 114(13): 2623-2631
[5] Tao J, Gao Y, Li MO, He W, Chen L, Harvey B, Davis RJ, Flavell RA, Yin Z*. JNK2 negatively regulates CD8+ T cell effector function and anti-tumor immune response. Eur. J. Immunol 2007, 37: 818-829
[6] Chen L, He W, Kim ST, Tao J, Gao Y, Chi H, Intlekofer AM, Harvey B, Reiner SL, Yin Z*, Flavell RA, and Craft J. Epigenetic and transcriptional programs lead to default IFN-production by T cells. The Journal of Immunology 2007, 178(5): 2730-2736
[7] McCarthy DD., Chiu S., Gao, Y., Summers-Deluca L. and Gommerman J*. LIGHT is dispensable for BAFF-mediated hyper-IgA syndrome. Cell. Immunol. 2006, 241(2): 85-94
[8] McCarthy DD., Summers-Deluca LE., Vu F., Chiu S., Gao Y. and Gommerman J*. The Lymphotoxin Pathway: Beyond lymph node development. Immunological Research 2006, 35(1-2): 41-54
[9] Wang T, Gao Y, Scully E, Davis CT, Anderson JF, Welte T, Ledizet M, Koski R, Madri JA, Barrett A, Yin Z, Craft J, Fikrig E*. Gamma delta T cells facilitate adaptive immunity against West Nile virus infection in mice. The Journal of Immunology 2006, 177(3): 1825-1832
[10] Gao Y., Zhang D., Sun B., Fujii H., Kosuna K. and Yin Z*. Active hexose correlated compound enhances tumor surveillance through regulating both innate and adaptive immune responses. Cancer Immunol. Immunother. 2006, 55(10): 1258-1266
[11] Gao Y., Tao J., Li M., Zhang D., Chi H., Henegariu O., Kaech S., Davis R., Flavell R., and Yin Z*. JNK1 is essential for CD8+ T cell-mediated tumor immune surveillance. The Journal of Immunology 2005, 175(9): 5783-5789
[12] Jiang D., Liang J., Hodge J., Lu B., Zhu Z., Yu S., Fan J., Gao Y., Yin Z., Homer R., Gerard C., Noble, PW*. Regulation of pulmonary fibrosis by chemokine receptor CXCR3. J. Clin. Invest. 2004, 114(2): 291-299
[13] Gao Y., Yang W., Pan M., Scully E., Girardi M., Augenlicht L., Craft J., and Yin Z*. T cells provide an early source of IFN- in tumor immunity. J. Exp. Med. 2003, 198(3): 433-442
[14] Chen X, Zhang W, Gao Y, Su X, Zhai Z*. Senescence-like changes induced by expression of p21(waf1/cip1) in NIH3T3 cells line. Cell Research 2002, 12(3): 229-233
[1] Gao Y., Tusche M., Mak T*. MALT1 with mutated catalytic residue attenuate the T cell function and NF-κB activity. 14th International Congress of Immunology, 2010.08.22-28, PP004,Kobe, Japan
[2] Gao Y., Majchrzak-Kita B., Fish E., Gommerman J*. Dynamic Accumulation of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells in Lymph Nodes is regulated by Type I IFN-beta. International Society for Interferon & Cytokine Research, 2008.10.12-16, PP315-316,Montreal, Canada
[3] Gao YF, Sun BX, Fujii H, Kosuna KI Yin ZN*. Active Hexose Correlated Compound (AHCC) enhances tumor surveillance through regulating both innate and adaptive immune responses. 97th AACR Annual Meeting,2006.04.01-05,pp:912,Washington DC,USA
[4] Gao YF, He WF, O’Brien RL, Rorn WK and Yin ZN*. Vgamma-4 gamma-delta T cells are essential for gamma-delta T cell-mediated tumor immune surveillance. 97th AACR Annual Meeting,2006.04.01-05,pp:1122,Washington DC,USA
[5] Yin ZN*, Gao YF, Flavell RA and Craft JE. c-Jun NH2-Terminal Kinase (JNK)1 plays in important role in tumor immunosurveillance through regulating CD8+ T cell function. AAI, 2004.03.24-28,pp:A1155,Washington DC,USA
[6] Gao YF, Pan M, Girardi M, Scully E, Craft JE and Yin ZN*. Gamma-delta T cells provide an early source of IFN-gamma in protective immune responses against tumor development. AAI, 2003.04.14-18,pp:C236,Denver,USA