


生物医学转化研究院 副研究员 招生方向:免疫学





1、γδ T细胞抗肿瘤的分子机制与临床应用研究;

2、γδ T细胞联合多肽、水凝胶抗肿瘤的应用研究;

3、γδ T细胞外泌体对免疫细胞的调控;


个人介绍:暨南大学生物医学转化研究院副研究员,主要从事γδ T细胞抗肿瘤机制以及临床转化的研究以及免疫功能检测在各类疾病中的应用检测。其相关研究成果以第一作者或共同第一作者身份在 Cell Mol Immunol,Emerg Microbes Infect,J Immunother Cancer,Front Immunol,Theranostics 等杂志上发表,并作为主要参与人,在Cell Death and Differentiation以及Biomaterials等国外高水平专业期刊发表学术论文10余篇。目前主持一项国家自然科学基金项目以及广东省自然科学基金项目,并获得国家发明专利一项,PCT专利4项。








1.Xu Y*, Xiang Z*, Alnaggar M*, Kouakanou L*, Li JW*, He JY*, Yang JS, Hu Y, Chen Y, Lin L, et al. Allogeneic V gamma 9V delta 2 T-cell imm unotherapy exhibits promising clinical safety and prolongs the survival of patients with late-stage lung or liver cancer[J]. Cell Mol Immunol, 2020. 

2.Xu Y*, Wang YZ*, Yang QL*, Liu ZJ, Xiao ZQ, Le ZC, Yang ZM, Yang CB. A versatile supramolecular nanoadjuvant that activates NF-kappa B f or cancer immunotherapy[J]. Theranostics, 2019,9(11):3388-3397.

3.Alnaggar M*, Xu Y*, Li JX, He JY, Chen JB, Li M, Wu QL, Lin L, Liang YQ, Wang XH, et al. Allogenic V9V2 T cell as new potential immunotherapy drug for solid tumor: a case study for cholangiocarcinoma[J]. J Immunother Cancer, 2019,7.

4.Kouakanou L*, Xu Y*, Peters C, He JY, Wu YZ, Yin ZN, Kabelitz D. Vitamin C promotes the proliferation and effector functions of human gamma delta T cells[J]. Cell Mol Immunol, 2020,17(5):462-473. 

5.Xu Y*, Xu L, Chen C, Zhang Y, Zeng C, Jin Z, Chen S, Li B, Zha X, Yin Z, et al. Age-Related Immune Profile of the T Cell Receptor Repertoire, Thymic Recent Output Function, and miRNAs[J]. Biomed Res Int, 2020,2020:5910823..

6.Wang X*, Xu Y*, Liang LC, Xu Y, Wang CY, Wang L, Chen SH, Yang LJ, Wu X, Li B, et al. Abnormal expression of A20 and its regulated genes in peripheral blood from patients with lymphomas[J]. Cancer Cell Int, 2014,14.

7.Li, Y.; Jiang, S.; Li, J.; Yin, M.; Yan, F.; Chen, Y.; Chen, Y.; Wu, T.; Cheng, M.; He, Y.; Liang, H.; Yu, H.; Qiao, Q.; Guo, Z.; Xu, Y#.; Zhang, Y#.; Xiang, Z#.; Yin, Z#. Phenotypic Changes of Peripheral γδ T Cell and Its Subsets in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease. Front. Immunol. 2022, 13, 900334. 

8.Wang, L.; Li, J.; Jiang, S.; Li, Y.; Guo, R.; Chen, Y.; Chen, Y.; Yu, H.; Qiao, Q.; Zhan, M.; Yin, Z.; Xiang, Z#.; Xu, C#.; Xu, Y#. COVID-19 Vaccination Influences Subtypes of γδ-T Cells during Pregnancy. Front. Immunol. 2022, 13, 900556. 

9.Wang Y*, Ma Y*, Xu Y*, Liu J, Li X, Chen Y, Chen Y, Xie J, Xiao L, Xiang Z#, et al. Resistance of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant to convalescent and CoronaVac vaccine plasma[J]. Emerg Microbes Infect, 2022,11(1):424-427.

10.Yang, X., J. Li, M. Ren, X. Pan, H. Liu, J. Jiang, M. Li, Z. Yang, B. Han, L. Ma, J. Hao, Y. Duan, Z. Yin, Y. Xu#, Z. Xiang#, and B. Wu#. Comprehensive Analysis of Immune Signatures in Primary Biliary Cholangitis and Autoimmune Hepatitis[J]. J Leukoc Biol, 2024.

11.Yuan, S., C. Wang, Y. Zeng, J. Li, W. Li, Z. He, J. Ye, F. Li, Y. Chen, X. Lin, Y. Xu#, N. Yu#, and X. Cai#. Aberrant phenotypes of circulating γδ-T cells may be involved in the onset of systemic lupus erythematosus[J]. Lupus, 2024,33(6):587-597.




